School Information
As a maintained nursery school we have a headteacher, senior practitioner, and a governing body. All other staff involved with the children have a level 3 qualification or other relevant qualifications
Included in our team is a Business Manager and an Admin Assistant.

TatyannaHeadteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Tatyanna is passionate about Early Years because she believes when we work with children we connect ourselves to the future. Tatyanna has a simple ethos which is that ‘happy children learn’. Tatyanna aims to capture their imagination and ensure school is an enjoyable and happy place which will lead to curious and confident children who are engaged in their learning. In her spare time Tatyanna enjoys reading, spending time with her friends and family and going to the theatre.

AnnaSenior Early Years Practitioner, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Family Support Worker
Anna has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and also a fantastic sense of fun! Anna enjoys sharing experiences with the children, especially if it involves a bit of dancing!

GeorginaAdmin Assistant
Georgina loves coming to work everyday and spending lunchtime with the children.
In her spare time she loves to paint and create things. She also loves animals!

JessEarly Years Assistant
Jess loves to be out in the outside space exploring with the children and enjoys anything messy with the children from baking to wonderful cloud dough creations!

JulieEarly Years Practitioner
Julie loves being with the children at nursery, sharing and expanding on their experiences. Julie enjoys running in her spare time as well at watching the rugby at Franklins Gardens.

LauraBusiness Manager
Laura is a great addition to the team; she is always happy and smiley! Laura really enjoys a walk in the park and dancing, she loves to greet the children in the morning and see their happy and excited faces ready for the day ahead!

SamEarly Years Practitioner
Sam has been at Wallace Road Nursery School for 15+ years, and she openly admits that she loves her job. She enjoys being with the children, joining in their play and works hard to make them feel settled and confident at nursery school. Sam supports our children who have English as an additional language, and also supports our children who need language support. Sam is also our resident play dough maker!

RohimaEarly Years Assistant
Rohima enjoys sharing experiences with the children and is keen to ensure their experience at nursery is a positive one. Rohima is a great cook and provides delicious treats for the staff-which is very much appreciated.

IzabellaEarly Years Assistant
Izabella believes it is very important to support children to be independent and at home she loves to bake and sew!

ChiEarly Years Assistant
Chi, has just joined us from Australia, the children and staff are loving hearing her stories about giant spiders!
Our Governors
Daisy Newbury – Chair of Governors/Finance Committee/Headteachers Appraisal
Bev Churchman – Vice Chair of Governors/Finance Commitee
Victoria White – Safeguarding governor
Tatyanna Antoine – Head Teacher/Finance Commitee /Play, Learning and Development/Health and Safety
Anna Willis – Play, Learning and Development/ Staff Governor
Gemma Driver- Parent governor
Emily Allsop- Parent governor